Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Tiny blossoms unfurling their petals like a newborn opening her little hands for the first time has me thinkin’ it's time for one of my favorite junkin’ forays – garden stuff! I've always loved this stuff, but really got excited the first time I opened the pages of Mary Randolph Carter's book, GARDEN JUNK. It's still one of my favorite inspirational junkin' books! Peely paint, rust, concrete, vintage patio furniture, birdcages, galvanized cans, nearly anything that makes you smile while you visit your garden works. Vintage garden chairs with sexy curves and just the right amount of rust mixed with lace, beautiful blooms, and old floral dishes just begs for friends to share some savory dishes, fresh fruit, something sweet and decadent, vino, a few candles dancing in the dusk, and some fabulous tunes to celebrate the awakening of Mother Earth. (Remember that awesome garden party scene in Chocolat?) After this past wicked winter, I think all of us are ready to erase the frozen days from our memories and replace them with warm, sunshiney daydreams. Glorious days to you, sweet friends! Get your hands in some dirt, plant something to enjoy later, and celebrate the coming of spring!

Peace, love, and celebrate new life, y’all!

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